Judy Beier: A Memorable 2004 Concert by David Schnaufer and Friends


It was the hottest of hot August nights in Woodbury, Tennessee. Sitting in the open air audience, my clothes were already wet with perspiration.  After driving to Cannon County, 50 miles southeast of Nashville, to enjoy David Schnaufer in concert, there was no turning back. No matter how uncomfortable I was, I knew the three performers on the metal stage, under the metal roof, had to be miserable. Dripping with perspiration,  performers they were.

David Schnaufer was more than a teacher to his students. All in a day’s work for the encourager, mentor and friend.

David closed the concert with his “really hot" arrangement of Rubin's Train.  

Photos from top to bottom:

  1. David Schnaufer

  2. David plays with Lee Rowe.

  3. David and Sarah Elizabeth Musgrave McWhirt-Toler.